long overall, and completely cover the
e l e c t r i c a l clips. The nipples are easily
slipped up the cable to allow access to the
terminals on the electrical clips.
63. Maintenance
a. General. organizational maintenance
is limited to repair or removal, installa-
tion, and replacement of the electrical
clips and replacement of the electrical
cable nipples.
b. Removal. Slide the electrical cable
expose the entire electrical clips. Unscrew
Figure 10. Electrical clips and electrical
the terminal screws and remove the clips
cable nipplesexploded.
from the leads. Pull the electrical cable
nipples off the leads.
d. Repair. Using pliers, straighten bent
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
electrical clips and aline the serrated jaws
(1) Cleaning. U s i n g a stiff bristle
so they will interlock.
brush remove the burns rust, and
e. Installation. S l i d e t h e e l e c t r i c a l
clips. Clean the electrical cable
the lead for attaching the electrical clips
(2) Inspection. Inspect the electrical
clips for breaks, cracks, and dis-
Slide the electrical cable nipples down over
tortion. Inspect the electrical cable
the electrical clips until only the jaws of
nipples for cracks and deterio-
the clips are exposed.
64. Description
placement of the incandescent lamp.
The fifty watt incandescent lamp used
b. Removal. Unscrew the incandescent
lamp from the work lamp socket (4, fig. 3).
protect the operator's eyes from the glare
c. Inspection. Inspect the lamp lead for
and concentrate the light on the tester con-
trol panel.
spect the shield for dents, distortion, and
other damage.
65. Maintenance
d. Installation. Install the incandescent
a. General. Organizational maintenance
lamp 6340-155-8634 in the lamp socket.
is limited to inspection of the unit and re-
67. Maintenance
66. Description
a. General. Organizational maintenance
is limited to the inspection, adjustment,
belt which transmits the drive of the motor
and replacement of the drive belt.
to the variable drive unit (1, fig. 11) and
b. Removal. Loosen the four plain hex-
the vacuum pump which is an intrical part
of that unit.