38. Common Tools
and Equipment
Repair parts, tool, and equipment are
Common tools and equipment having gen-
eral application to this materiel are au-
issued to the operator for operating and
thorized by tables of allowances and tables
maintaining the tester. Tools and equip-
of organization and equipment.
ment should not be used for purposes other
39. Special Tools
and Equipment
than prescribed and when not in use, should
Certain tools and equipment specially
be properly stowed.
tenance, repair, and general use with the
37. Repair Parts
No repair parts are supplied to the op-
the authority for requisitioning replace-
erator for replacement on the tester.
for equipment pertaining to their com-
mands. Unit and organization commanders
Preventive maintenance is the system-
are required to insure that equipment is-
atic care, inspection, and servicing of
sued or assigned to their commands are
equipment to maintain it in a serviceable
properly maintained in a serviceable con-
condition, prevent break-downs, and as-
dition, and that they are properly cared
sure maximum operational readiness.
for and used.
First echelon preventive maintenance is
accomplished by the equipment operator.
42. Recording Repairs
The operator's role in the performance of
preventive-maintenance service is:
Repairs accomplished will be in accord-
ance with procedures and standards pre-
a. To perform the daily service each
scribed in appropriate technical manuals.
day the equipment is operated.
The equipment record system provides for
b. To assist the organizational mainte-
recording repairs required and accom-
nance mechanics in the performance of any
plished on specific items of equipment.
other scheduled periodic services speci-
This will include, but is not limited to,
fied by pertinent technical manuals.
adjusting, cleaning, and replacing unserv-
c. To assist the organizational mainte-
iceable parts. Deficiencies discovered be-
nance mechanics in the lubrication of the
fore, during, and after operation that can-
equipment in accordance with the pertinent
not be corrected by the operator will be
lubrication order.
entered on DA Form 2404. Deficiencies
immediately corrected by the operator are
not recorded, except when such correc-
Operators and crew chiefs are person-
tions are made by replacing parts or which
ally responsible for assigned equipment.
constitute repairs above first echelons.
Squad, section, and platoon leaders are
Such repairs will be recorded as organ-
charged with supervisory responsibility
izational maintenance.