lost motion). It includes illegibility
43. General Procedures for All Services
as applied to markings, data and
and Inspections
caution plates, and printed matter.
a. The following general procedures ap-
(5) Where the instruction "tighten" ap-
ply to first-echelon preventive-mainte-
pears in the procedure, it means
nance services and all inspections, and
tighten with a wrench, even if the
are just as important as the specific pro-
item appears to be secure.
b. Inspection to see if items are in good
essary" or "replace if necessary"
condition, correctly assembled or stowed,
are not used in the specific proce-
secure, not excessively worn, not leaking,
dures. It is understood that when-
and adequately lubricated apply to most
ever inspection reveals the need of
items in the preventive-maintenance and
adjustment, repairs, or replace-
inspection procedures. Any or all of these
ment, the necessary action will be
checks that are pertinent to any item (in-
cluding supporting, attaching, or connect-
ing members) will be performed automat-
ically, as general procedures, in addition
to any specific procedures given.
a. General. Any special cleaning in-
(1) Inspection for "good condition" is
structions required for specific compo-
nents or parts are contained in the pertin-
usually an external visual inspec-
tion to determine whether the unit
ent section. General cleaning instructions
is damaged beyond safe or service-
are as outlined in (1) through (3) below.
able limits. Good condition is ex-
(1) Metal parts.
plained further as meaning: not
(a) Use self-emulsifying decreasing
solvent compound, mineral spir-
bent or twisted, not chafed or
burred, not broken or cracked, not
its paint thinner, or dry-cleaning
bare or frayed, not dented or col-
solvent (Stoddard) to clean or
wash grease or oil from all metal
lapsed, not torn or cut, not deteri-
parts of the tester.
(2) Inspection of a unit to see that it
(b) Use clean water or a solution of
is correctly assembled or stowed
either 1/4 pound of soap chips or
is usually a visual inspection to see
6 ounces of painted-surface de-
if the unit is in its normal position
tergent to 1 gallon of hot water
in the vehicle, and if all its parts
for all parts and overall general
are present and in their correct
cleaning of painted surfaces.
relative position.
(c) After parts are clean, dry them
(3) Inspection of a unit to determine if
thoroughly. Apply a light film of
it is "secure" is usually an external
visual examination or a check by
oil to all parts having a polished
hand, wrench, or pry-bar for loose-
surface to prevent misting.
ness. Such an inspection must in-
(d) Before installing new parts, re-
move any rust-preventive com-
locknuts, locking wires, or cotter
pound, protective grease, etc.;
pins as well as any connecting
prepare as required (oil seals,
tubes, hoses, or wires.
etc.); and for those parts requir-
(4) By "excessively worn" is meant
ing lubrication, apply the lubri-
worn beyond serviceable limits or
cant prescribed in the lubrication
to a point likely to result in failure
if the unit is not replaced before
(2) Electrical parts. Use trichloroe-
the next scheduled inspection. Ex-
thane for cleaning electrical parts.
cessive wear of mating parts or
Do not use on material soluble in
linkage connection is usually evi-
Warning: Repeated contact of
denced by too much play (lash or