the stop button (25-C) and depress
0.6 volt during the shock load test
the start button (25-A) (do not
in (c) above, turn the contact screw
d e p r e s s button more than 10 sec-
onds). Turn the speed control han-
the locking screws first then tighten
dle (24) slowly until 4,000 rpm are
a g a i n after adjustment (fig. 58)).
Note. The adjustment in (d) a b o v e
m u s t be made very gradually.
tor meter (3) and observe the volt-
(e) I f t h e v o l t a g e r e a d i n g o n t h e d c
a g e reading on the dc voltmeter
(4). Voltage reading should be 28.3
t h e contact screw assembly (fig.
plus or minus 0.3 volts.
(d) With the 100-50 fixed load switch
5 8 ) inward.
(17-A) in the "ON" position place
( f ) A f t e r each adjustment of the con-
the starter test load disconnect
tact screw assembly (fig. 58), read-
switch (15) in the "OFF" and
just the coil core (8, fig. 58) (loosen
" O N " positions several times and
screw (14, fig. 58) first before ad-
observe the voltage reading on the
j u s t m e n t and tighten again after
The coil core is
reading should not rise above 28.3
screwed in or out to give an output
or drop below 27.3 under the 100-
o f 28.0 (plus or minus 0.2) volts
50 fixed load.
w i t h battery on-off switch (22) to
(e) I f voltage drops below 27.3 volts
" O N " position only. Repeat pro-
when full 100-50 fixed load is ap-
c e d u r e s i n (a) t h r o u g h (f) a b o v e
p l i e d , (d) above, turn the contact
until the generator (alternator)
the voltage
t h e two locking screws first, and
w i t h i n the limits of 27.4 to 28.0
t i g h t e n them after adjustments are
volts while the load is shocked off
made (fig. 58)) counterclockwise
a n d on, (c) above, several times.
a n d repeat, (d) a b o v e . I f v o l t a g e
Continue with tests in (6) below.
exceeds 28.3 volts, turn the contact
(6) Testing voltage adjustment at 4,000
and repeat, (d) above. Repeat pro-
(a) Turn the speed control handle (24)
cedure until voltage remains within
partially counterclockwise until the
27.3 to 28.3 volts range under bat-
varidrive assembly speed is re-
t e r y (battery on-off switch (22)
d u c e d -speed and stop the vari-
"ON") and full load (100-50 fixed
d r i v e assembly by depressing the
l o a d (17-A) "ON") condition.
s t o p button (21-C).
(7) Testing voltage adjustment at 2,000
f r o m the low speed driving head
(a) Stop the varidrive assembly, (6)
(5, fig. 7) and mount it on the high
(a) above, and remove the genera-
tor (alternator) from the high
p l a c e it on the low speed driving
is direct-driven, however, the read-
i n g will be taken from the upper
c o r d i n g l y , (6) (b) a b o v e .
s c a l e on the tachometer indicator
(b) R e p e a t complete test, (4) above.
m e t e r (3) for tests below. If the
g. Final Test and Voltage Adjustment.
(1) Voltage regulator element - minimum
(c) S t a r t t h e v a r i d r i v e a s s e m b l y b y
Note. This test determines whether the
sliding the safety clip (25-B) off