1 . Remove the battery system ground cable and connect adapters
2. Reconnect battery ground cable after adapter hookup
3 . Generator adapter links OPEN
4 . Regulator adapter link CLOSED
5 . Polarize generator by connecting jumper lead C6 to regulator adapter
terminal 1. Flash the other end to generator adapter field terminal 1.
Remove jumper lead
TEST . . .
1 . Start and run engine at 1000 to 1200 rpm
2 . Turn field rheostat
clockwise slowly until voltmeter reads 30 volts
3 . Load bank switch
to ON
4 . Turn coarse load bank knob
specified output
until you get proper amperage
keep adjusting knobs
at 30 volts
6 . If you can't get these readings, either your generator drive belts are
loose or the generator is faulty