TM 9-4910-714-14&P
4-1. D I S A S S E M B L Y . Instructions for removal of various components and subassemblies
a r e specified in the following paragraphs.
Removal of the support assembly requires only the removal of
a hex nut and the removal of a screw and two washers.
4-3. HANDLE ASSEMBLY. The triangular assembly a t the rear of the Transport Stand can
To disassemble the wheel assembly from the Transport Stand
frame member, remove sixteen hex nuts, washers, and capscrews.
T h i s is a pur-
chased assembly and further disassembly is not recommended.
ASSEMBLY. Remove the setscrew from the braking foot and remove the foot.
4-6. R E P A I R . Structural damage to frame members may require cutting the frame member
Damage to the locking screw or wheel
l o o s e and welding a new part in its place.
4-7. REASSEMBLY. To reassemble any component, r e v e r s e the directions given above.