TM 9-4910-714-14&P
6 - 1 . CLEANING. The Transport Stand is primed and painted olive drab. It should req-
u i r e only paint touchup at periodic intervals and the removal of dirt, grease
a n d other foreign materials from. all surfaces.
Two areas require periodic lubrication as specified below.
6-3. BREAKING MECHANISM. The threaded locking screw in the braking mechanism should
b e greased at regular maintenance intervals to assure ease of Operation.
6-4. WHEEL ASSEMBLY. Each of the four wheels is equipped with a hollow axle, tapered
point grease fitting.
I n addition, the swivel wheels on the front end of the
T r a n s p o r t Stand have a separate grease fitting for the swivel ball bearing.
A n y type of all-weather grease should provide effective protection.