TM 9-4935-481-14-2
Using a small brush or cotton swab, keep the area to be cleaned moist with the Unresolve Plus, S.
It also does not include those tools which are organic to the DMS test units (i. e. , LET special tool 8035628 which is stored
in the DMS-D lid). The tools listed may be organic to the AN/GRM-32D or AN/GSM-216 Shops, or may not yet be assigned.
G. until the coating is dissolved.
Corrective maintenance procedures for Dragon system hardware, and equipment associated with DMS, but not
Absorb the liquid with cotton and remove any remaining coating with a soft probe without damaging
the underlying parts.
organic to it, are contained in their respective manuals. Procedures relative to the DIt1, CT, AC-DC power supply in the
DMS-D, and the radiometer are contained in their respective commercial manuals.
Clean the entire area with a cotton swab saturated with isopropyl alcohol.
General Corrective Maintenance.
(4) Other general cleaning solvents are indicated in table 5-1 with their usage. Observe safety precautions and
usage data on containers.
In view of the toxic and volatile nature of the materials used in the application of adhesives, paints, and
conformal coatings, insure the area of application has adequate ventilation. Avoid breathing fumes.
Identify and tag all wire leads as they are removed to facilitate replacement.
Avoid skin and eye contact by wearing protective gloves and goggles. If contact occurs, wash with
water and soap and report to a first aid station. Flammables must be kept away from flames, sparks, and
(2) Pin and wafer numbers for all switches are identified on sheet 1 of figures 4-69 and 4-70 for the DMS-D and
excessive heat. Solvents shall be stored in and used from approved safety containers which shall be
DMS-G respectively.
sealed when not in use. All cloths used for solvent cleaning operation shall be discarded into an
approved container.
(3) All wafer switches with a pointer type knob will have the knob replaced by aligning the allen setscrew
OPPOSITE the pointer with the flat side of the switch shaft, and secured.
Cleaning. All assemblies must be cleaned after removal and disassembly, prior to assembly and replacement. (1)
Wafers from wafer switches may be cleaned by grasping the wafer carefully with a pair of hemostats and immersing the
Use insulation sleeving (heat shrink) as required. See table 5-1 for sizes used within the DMS.
wafer in a jar of freon. Stir the wafer, remove and shake freon off (do not wipe dry). (2) Contacts of wafer switches may be
cleaned by dipping a piece of mylar in freon and sliding back and forth under the contacts.
(5) Apply sealing compound MIL-S-22473C (locktight) to the threads of all setscrews and screws holding
components which may work loose from vibration, prior to installation after disassembly.
(6) Adhesive MIL-A-5092, TY 2 is used for bonding all rubber to metal components. Clean metal surfaces first with
Unresolve Plus S.G. must be confined to the immediate work area only. It attacks most plastics and
MEK (methyl ethyl ketone) and allow to dry prior to application of adhesive. Clean off excess adhesive with MEK.
must not be spilled on other parts.
The cushioning material (polyurethane foam) used in the DMS-D and DMS-G lids is rebonded as follows:
(3) The conformal coating (polyurethane) used on most PC cards may be removed by dissolving with Unresolve
Plus, S.G. This solvent may be used as a liquid or a gel. The gel is preferred because it is easier to contain.
Clean metal areas to be bonded completely with MEK or toulene, ensuring all contamination is
removed. Sand lightly with #120 sandpaper if necessary. Wipe surface dry.
Apply primer MIS-16263 to metal area to be bonded and allow to dry for 30 minutes.
Apply coating compound MIS-18683 to cushion area to be bonded and allow to dry for 30 minutes.