TM 9-1345-203-12
(23) Lay mine on firm foundation in hole and at suffi-
(9) Remove safety clip.
cient depth to cover mine with 1-1/2 inches of dirt.
(10) Turn to Armed (A) position with wrench M22. Do
not use excessive force after striking stop. Force
(24) For long term emplacement, smear layer of silicone
grease G-697 around circumference of fuze where
used should be enough to overcome the friction
it enters mine.
load that is felt during the turning from S to A.
(25) Remove safety clip and, with arming wrench, turn
(11) Visually check position of firing pin. If not armed
setting knob to Armed (A) position. Observe same
(firing pin not centered in hole), reject fuze. If
precautions regarding turning force as in (10)
armed (firing pin centered in hole), continue to
above. Retain clip for future use, if needed to dis-
next operation.
arm mine.
(12) Turn to Safe (S) position with wrench M22.
(26) A force of 300 to 500 pounds on the pressure plate
Observe same precautions with regard to excessive
will function the mine.
force after striking stop, as indicated in step (10)
(27) Cover with dirt and camouflage as required, in
accordance with FM 20-32.
(13) Visually check position of firing pin. If still in
armed position (firing pin centered in hole), reject
fuze. If not armed (firing pin point at edge of hole),
d. Boobytrapping. Boobytrapping of mine M19 requires
continue with next operation.
antitank mine activator M2, a standard firing device or anti-
handling device having a 9/16-inch thread, and tripwire(s).
(14) Replace safety clip.
(1) Remove closure from one or both activator wells.
(15) For long term emplacement, smear thin layer of sil-
icone grease G-697 on top of detonator, detonator
(2) Assure that each activator well used is free of for-
holder, and threaded portion of detonator holder.
eign matter.
(16) Turn fuze bottom side up. Assure that rubber gas-
(3) Remove activator plug and its gasket from head of
ket is on fuze.
activator M2. Screw activator hand-tight into acti-
vator well of mine.
(17) Assemble detonator holder assembly containing
detonator M50 in fuze by screwing into detonator
(4) Assure small rubber gasket is in place inside acti-
well. Tighten assembly by hand and then, using
vator. Screw firing device or anti-handling device
arming wrench, make it secure in detonator well.
hand-tight into activator.
(18) For long term emplacement, coat detonator holder
(5) Install tripwires, as required, fastening them to
and 1/2-inch wide area around it with silicone
anchor posts first, then to firing device.
grease G-697 or equivalent.
(6) For additional information on methods of handling
(19) Coat gasket on fuze with silicone grease G-697 or
and installing firing devices, see FM 5-250 or TM
(20) Assemble fuze in mine by using arming wrench to
turn fuze in clockwise direction.
(1) Carefully uncover concealed mine and examine
(21) Dig hole approximately 14 inches square and 5
side and bottom wells for boobytrapping devices
inches deep, with side walls sloping about 45, to
(secondary fuzes).
(22) Check bottom of hole and, if ground is soft, pro-
vide firm foundation, such as wood board. No steel
or metal should be used.
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