TM 9-1345-203-12
Figure 2-51. Triangulation method of
emplacing mines M19 in
1. To prepare outrigger, fasten two
(2) Amphibious Emplacement.
3-foot lengths of green limbs to
(a) The preliminary procedure for
the underside of the mine and
setting up the M19 mine for use in water is the same as
secure with two 3-foot lengths of
the procedure for long term land emplacement, steps (1)
2. With the fuze in horizontal
(b) In order to prevent movement or
position, carry the mine to its
drifting of-mines emplaced in running water, the mine is
emplacement position.
stabilized by using the outrigger method. The procedure
3. Approach the emplacement
for this method follows after step c(20) above.
position from downstream side.
(c) Equipment needed for construction
and use of field improvised outriggers are two green
outrigger or contacting objects
limbs, each 3-feet long and 1 inch or less in diameter
in the stream, carry the mine by
(barbed wire stakes, signposts, fence rails or similar
grasping its sides, not by its
items having the proper dimensions may be used) (fig.
carrying handle.
2-52). Green limbs are recommended because they are
4. Place the mine and outrigger on
stronger and less likely to float than are those which are
stream bottom.
dried out and dead. In addition, two pieces, each 3-feet
long, of clothesline, twine or similar material are