TM 9-1345-203-12
4-3. Inspection of
If receipt inspection or storage inspection of packaging
a. Maintenance at the organizational level is
performed by designated personnel in using units. Its
serviceability of the ammunition is questionable, unpack
which has been exposed to rough handling or adverse
2) and visually inspect inner packs and/or items.
weather conditions. Direct support units may be called
Unpack only as far as necessary to determine
upon to provide technical assistance and packaging
a. Packaging Defects. Specific inspection criteria
b. Responsibilities for maintenance are limited to
and identification of defects (as acceptable, reparable or
Allocation Chart (MAC). Only maintenance operations
The most
for which procedures are given in this manual or in the
commonly encountered packaging defects are listed
weapon operator's manual are authorized.
c. Maintenance shall be performed at least 90 feet
(1) Outer containers (boxes) damaged,
weathered, or rotted to the extent contents
d. Remove ammunition from packaging before
are not protected.
performing maintenance on packaging materials.
(2) Inner container damaged to the extent
contents are not protected or cannot be
readily removed.
4-2. Expendable Materials
(3) Container cap or closure insecure to the
a. Paint, cleaning compounds, and other
extent contents are not protected.
expendable materials authorized for use by
(4) Inner containers wet (except metal),
organizational maintenance personnel are listed in
rusted, moldy, or mildewed.
(5) Hardware or banding loose, missing,
b. Expendable materials should be requisitioned
broken, or ineffective.
through normal channels on an as required basis.
(6) Handle or cleat missing or broken.
(7) Contents loose to the extent item may be
damaged in handling.
Wooden boxes and crates
Irreparable at
organizational level
Operative and tight.
Inoperative or loose.
Nails, screws and fasteners
Nails, screws and fasteners
present and in good
which can be replaced or
properly sealed.
Free from damage.
Broken or missing cleats and
Damage which requires
disassembly of box.
Splits less than 3-inches long
Splits over 3 inches but no
Splits closer than 1 inch
no closer than 1 inch to edge
closer than 1 inch to edge of
to edge of board or
of board or adjoining split.
board or adjoining split, or
adjoining split or over
The board must be secured by
1/8-inch wide, which can be
1/8-inch wide.
at least one nail on each side
repaired by use of corrugated
of the split when it extends
to the end of the board.