TM 9-1345-203-12
a. Repair of Damaged Hardware. Hardware which
(1) Remove dirt, mud, and other foreign
material using rags or brushes. Use rags dampened
has been damaged to the point that it is inoperable is
with alcohol or acetone to remove grease.
usually irreparable; however, minor damage can usually
be corrected by straightening, as follows: (1) Using
(2) Using nonferrous brush, remove flaked,
pliers, carefully bend damaged item until its
chipped, blistered, or peeling paint.
configuration is the same as the serviceable item.
(3) Remove rust using nonferrous brush or
(2) Test repaired hardware for proper
Replacement of Irreparable Hardware.
Hardware which cannot be repaired can be replaced
Clean fuze well and threads with
with a serviceable item cannibalized from an
small stainless steel brush and rags
unserviceable container, as follows:
dampened with alcohol.
(1) Using
unserviceable hardware.
(4) Inspect cleaned item for cracks or other
(2) Attempt to reinstall serviceable hardware
in existing holes. Secure with screws.
(5) Allow solvent-cleaned surfaces to dry
(3) If screws are missing or cannot be
thoroughly before painting.
tightened in existing holes, proceed as follows: (a)
b. Touch-up.
Replace missing screws with others obtained from an
(1) Use masking tape to cover existing
unserviceable box.
markings which are in good condition and parts, such
(b) If screws cannot be tightened, move
as fuze threads, etc., which should not be painted.
hardware (with box top in place) to a different location
(2) Using a spray can or brush, cover bare
where screws can be secured. If necessary, carve notch
metal with primer and allow to dry.
to accommodate hinge pin.
(3) Using a spray can or brush, paint primed
(c) Mark location for attaching screws
area with two coats, allowing first coat to dry before
and remove hardware.
applying second.
(d) Drive and remove a small nail at
(4) After paint has dried, remove masking
each location to provide a pilot hole.
(e) Place hardware and screws in
c. Remarking.
position and secure.
(1) Observe markings on a like item for
c. Replacing Broken, Loose, or Deteriorated
correct positioning of data.
(2) Using a felt marker or small brush and
(1) Cut pieces of 5/8-inch banding of
paint, restore any illegible or missing markings. (See
sufficient length to go around box plus about 6 to 8
tabulated data in Chapter 1 for color identification.) (3)
Allow markings to dry before handling or repacking.
(2) Position strap(s) under box.
4-6. Maintenance of
Packaging Hardware