TM 9-3417-213-14 & P
When returning head to vertical position, sweep the table with an indicator
attached to spindle to make sure head is square to table.
2. To tilt head from side to side, loosen the hex nuts which clamp the head to the overarm or the machine
column (whichever the case may be). Then tilt head the desired amount by applying crank to the sidewise
tilting worm stud at the right to the rear of the spindle head.
When returning head to vertical position, sweep the table with an indicator
attached to spindle to make sure head is square to table.
The back to front position of the head and overarm is readily changed by loosening the 4 hex nuts which clamp
the overarm to the turret. Apply a crank to the overarm adjustment shaft extension and move to desired position.
To index the entire turret-overarm-head assembly loosen the 4 hex nuts, 2 on either side of the overarm which
clamp the turret to the top of the column. Then swing the turret to the desired position and reclamp.
It is highly recommended that all clamping nuts and bolts (turret to column,
overarm to turret, head side-wise tilt and head forward-back tilt) be securely
tightened before any machining cuts are taken. Always check these points before
starting a cut. Also, when returning overarm to normal position, attach an
indicator to the overarm, and slide the overarm in and out, with the indicator riding
against a square, which has been squared to front of table to make sure overarm is
square with table.
1. The turret can be rotated on the column a full 360 .
2. The locating pins are effective only when the ram is used with the overarm support for the horizontal
spindle. The vertical spindle at this time would be at rear of machine. It may be necessary to tilt the vertical
head slightly for clearance at the rear of the machine when the machine is set for horizontal milling with a
long milling cutter arbor.
It is highly recommended that all clamping nuts and bolts (turret to column,
overarm to turret, head side-wise tilt and head forward-back tilt) be securely
tightened before any machining cuts are taken. Always check these points before
starting a cut.
Also, when returning overarm to position for vertical milling, attach an indicator to the overarm, and slide the
overarm in and out, with the indicator sliding against a square which has been squared to front of table to make
sure overarm is square with table.
3. The complete horizontal spindle, turret, overarm & arbor bearing may be positione d 30 either side of
normal horizontal milling position by loosening the four 5/8 hex. hd. screws (two on either side of the
spindle, slightly below the C/L of the spindle) and swing the entire top unit to the desired angular position.