TM 9-3431-254-14&P
alternately, from starter flange to accessory drive
housing opening, and remove as illustrated in Fig.
B-36. .Note that dowel
pins will remain in
cover. Cylin-
der heat deflectors can now be removed.
In reassembly; tighten gear cover capscrews to 18
Use a work bench with a clearance hole of at least
2 inches in diameter for the engine crankshaft to
extend thru, and tip the engine over to rest on the
With the removal of gear cover and oil sling, the gear
main bearing plate -- or, if convenient, construct an
train will be exposed as shown in Fig. B-37. Remove
engine fixture by making a box from 2 x 6 lumber as
camshaft thrust plunger and spring to prevent their
illustrated in Fig. B-39. Make the box about 16 inches
being lost.
square x 8 inches high with a 2 inch clearance hole
Future reference can be made to Fig B-37 when assem-
in the top, and open at the bottom.
bling crankshaft and camshaft, as accurate location
With engine tipped over on tak-off end, remove en-
of the timing marks is" essential for proper engine
gine supports and oil pan. In reassembly; use a new
gasket underneath oil pan, mount with oil drain to-
ward side opposite flange on spacer plate for acces-
sory drive housing, and tighten capscrews to 18 foot
pounds torque.
Mount engine supports with machined flats toward
flange side of spacer plate where accessory drive
housing is mounted. Use Perma-tex on capscrews for
both engine supports and oil pan. Tighten capscrews
for engine supports to 40 foot pounds torque.
Remove locknut and driver gear from shaft. If gear is
too tight to remove by hand, use a pulley; hammering
on end of shaft to loosen gear will damage pump.
Take out slotted pipe plug from bottom of crankcase,
and with a 5/32 inch Allen wrench, remove lockscrew
as shown in Fig. B-38. Withdraw the oil pump from in-
side the crankcase, as illustrated in Fig. B-39. If pump
fits too tight to remove by hand, tap front of pump
housing (not shaft), with hammer and brass rod.
In reassembly; be sure lockscrew seat in pump hous-
ing lines up with lockscrew hole in crankcase.