TM 9-3431-254-14&P
Engine repairs should be made only by a mechanic
OIL FILTER is removed by tapping side of cartridge
who has had experience in such work. When disassem-
with a mallet to break the seal. Then pierce can with
bling the engine, it is advisable to have several boxes
screw driver or similar pointed tool to serve as a
available so that parts belonging to certain groups
handle for unscrewing filter from case. Place a pan
can be kept together. Capscrews of various lengths
under the filter to catch oil leakage when filter is re-
are used in the engine, therefore great care must be
moved. Refer to "Oil Filter", Page B-11, for replace-
exercised in reassembly so the right screw will be
ment instructions.
used in the proper place.
STARTING MOTOR is removed by disconnecting ig-
Tighten the capscrews and nuts of the manifolds,
nition wires at solenoid and taking out the three cap-
cylinder heads, gear cover, oil pan, connecting rods,
screws holding starter to flange on gear cover. Note:
cylinder barrels, main bearing plate and the spark
The rubber Bendix cover will drop off when flywheel
plugs to the specified torque readings indicated in
shroud is removed.
the paragraphs of reassembly, relative to these parts.
While the engine is partly or fully dismantled, all of
the parts should be thoroughly cleaned. Use all new
After the flywheel screen has been removed, drive out
gaskets and 'O' rings in reassembly, and lubricate
the starting crank pin in the crankshaft and straighten
all bearing surfaces.
out the bent tabs on lockwasher. By means of a 2"
socket power wrench or 2" offset box wrench, as
The following procedure is for complete disassembly
shown in Fig. B-29, remove flywheel nut. Strike the
of an engine. As disassembly progresses, the order
handle of the wrench a sharp blow with a soft hammer
may be altered somewhat, as will be self-evident to
to loosen nut. Do not use an open end, monkey or
the mechanic. Reassembly of the engine should be
pipe wrench.
made in the reverse order.
The flywheel is mounted to a taper on the crankshaft.
Take a firm hold on the flywheel fins, pull outward
and at the same time strike the end of the crankshaft
An engine that has been rebuilt with new connecting
several times with a babbitt hammer, see Fig. B-30.
rod shell bearings and having cylinders rebored or
The flywheel will slide off the taper of the crank-
replaced, and fitted with new pistons, rings and
shaft. Do not use a hard hammer as it may ruin the
valves, should go through a thorough "run-in" period
crankshaft and bearings. Remove Woodruff key from
before any load is applied to it.
The engine should be started and allowed to run for
sure the Woodruff key is in position
In reassembly; be
about one-half hour at about 1200 to 1400 R.P.M.
on the shaft and that the keyway in the flywheel is
without load. The R.P.M. should then be increased to
engine operating speed, still without load, for an
additional three and one-half to four hours.
The proper "running-in" of the engine will help to
establish polished bearing surfaces and proper clear-
ances between the various moving parts and thus
add years of trouble free service to the life of your
Remove clutch or clutch reduction unit if engine is
equipped with either of these accessories.
AIR CLEANER can be removed as a complete unit
when flywheel shroud is removed. Disconnect tubing
and elbow connection from carburetor to air cleaner.
CONTROL PANEL can remain on flywheel shroud,
but disconnect: ignition wires from anti-diesel sole-
noid, starting solenoid, choke wire at carburetor,
hose at oil pressure gauge, variable speed control,
ignition wires at coil and voltage regulator (battery