PHONE 4 jacks (Jl, J3, J5, and J7). The
T A - 3 1 2 / P T ' s are connected to these jacks.
(fig. 42)
a. SB-22(*)/PT Circuits. The external cir-
c u i t s to the SB-22(*)/PT connect to the SIG-
tributor circuits of the TT-4(*)/TG and the
NAL 1 26-pair cable receptacle J1 in the
TT-76(*)/GGC are connected to the associ-
power and signal entrance box (pairs 1
a t e d jacks in the teletypewriter patch panel.
through 12) and the binding posts pairs in the
(1) For teletypewriter transmission, the
binding post signal entrance box (pairs 1
p a t c h panel TT-4A/TG #l and TT-
t h r o u g h 12). Inside the shelter, the circuits
4 A / T G #2 SEND jacks, and the TT-
connect to the SB-22(*)/PT through signal
76/GGC TR and TD jacks are
duct wiring, the SB-22/PT cable stub, and the
patched to the TH-5/TG SEND
L I N E S SB-22/PT jacks No. 1 through 12.
j a c k s (b a b o v e ) o r t h e s p a r e l i n e s
j a c k s (c a b o v e ) .
b. TH-5/TG Circuit. The external circuits
to the TH-5/TG connect to the SIGNAL 1 26-
(2) F o r t e l e t y p e w r i t e r r e c e p t i o n , t h e
pair cable receptacle J1 in the power and sig-
patch panel TT-4A/TG #1, TT-4A/
n a l entrance box (pairs 13, 14, and 15) and
T G #2, and TT-76/GGC REC jacks
the binding posts pairs in the binding post
are patched to the TH-5/TG REC
signal entrance box (pairs 13, 14, and 15).
j a c k s (b a b o v e ) o r t h e s p a r e l i n e s
I n s i d e the shelter, the circuits connect to the
j a c k s (c a b o v e ) .
T H 5 / T G ' s (No. 1, 2, and 3) through signal
duct wiring, and the LINES TH-5/TG (13,
(fig. 41)
1 4 , and 15) jacks to the TH-5/TG 2W bind-
ing posts. The TH-5/TG loop circuits are
patched to the teletypewriter circuits ( e
a. Ac P o w e r Distribution.
c . Spare Lines Circuits. The external cir-
(1) A c p o w e r i s a p p l i e d t o t h e A N /
c u i t s to the spare lines connect to the SIG-
M S C - 3 2 th r o u g h I N PO W E R 115V
NAL 1 26-pair receptacle J1 in the power and
A C receptacle J1 in the power and
signal entrance box (pairs 16 through 21) and
signal e n t r a n c e b o x . P a r a l l e l - c o n -
the binding posts pairs in the binding post
n e c t e d OUT POWER 115V AC re-
signal entrance box (pairs 16 through 21).
c e p t a c l e J2 is provided so that an-
I n s i d e the shelter, the circuits connect to the
o t h e r area assemblage may be con-
L I N E S SPARES jacks No. 16 through 21.
nected to the AN/MSC-32 power
d. TA-312/PT Circuits. The external cir-
(2) A c power from receptacle J1 is ap-
cuits to the TA-312/PT's connect to the
PHONE 1 through PHONE 4 binding posts in
p l i e d through the power duct wiring
t o MAIN circuit breaker switch CB7
t h e power and signal entrance box (pairs 1
on the power distribution panel. Cir-
through 4) or to the SIGNAL 1 26-pair recep-
c u i t breaker switches CB1 through
tacle J1 in the power and signal entrance box
CB6 (parallel-connected) are con-
( p a i r s 22 through 25). Inside the shelter, the
nected in series with CB7. Wiring to
circuits connect to the PHONE 1 through