TM 9-2330-356-14
(5) Repeat steps (2) through (4) for opposite side.
(2) Connect upper and lower torque rods
(3) Connect air lines to brake chambers as
(8) Remove supports and jacks, and lower rear
end of semitrailer to ground.
(5) Remove supports and jacks.
5-14. Axle M967, M969, and M970
except M970
SN TC-0843, TC-0844, and TC-103 thru T -178).
(6) Tighten wheel nuts to proper torque and in
5-15. Axle M967A1, M969A1, and M970A1
(1) Position semitrailer on hard, level surface
including M970 SN TC-0843, TC-0844, and TC-103
thru TC-78).
with front resting on landing gear.
(1) Position semitrailer on hard, level surface
with front resting on landing gear.
Release air pressure from both air reservoirs
before doing any work on brake lines or other
pressurized air lines.
Release air pressure from both air reservoirs
before doing any work on brake lines or other
pressurized air lines.
(2) Release air from both air reservoirs by
(3) Loosen wheel nuts while wheels are on
(2) Release air from both air reservoirs by
(4) Position jacks approximately 18-inches to the
(3) Loosen wheel nuts white wheels are on
inside of lower torque rod brackets on axle. Jack up axle to
be removed until wheels are 1-inch off the ground.
(4) Position jacks just inboard of the spring end
up on axle. Jack up axle to be removed until wheels clear
the ground.
(6) Raise rear of semitrailer with an overhead
crane or A-frame support until weight of sprigs has been
(6) Raise rear of semitrailer with an overhead
(7) Tag and disconnect air lines from `brake
crane or A-frame support until weight of springs has been
chambers on axle being removed.
(8) Disconnect upper and lower torque rods from
(8) Remove four nuts, four washers. and four
(9) Revolve axle away from the springs until free.
bolts which fasten the spring end cap to spring seat on axle.
Use a dolly jack and remove axle.
(9) Remove four nuts, four washers, and two
U-bolts which fasten the spring seat on axle to the spring
end cap.
(1) Move axle into position under semitrailer.
Upper torque rod bracket on axle should be toward right
(10) Remove leaf spring seats.
(curbside) of semitrailer. Position jacks approximately
18-inches to the inside of lower torque rod brackets on
axle. Raise and revolve the axle into position on ends of
suspension springs.
(12) Remove adjustment plates.
Change 3