TM 9-2330-356-14
hydraulic head into the pump housing so that the locating
plunger sleeve pin (5) is not engaging the
plunger sleeve slot.
slot in the hydraulic head is in line with the locating screw
hole in the pump housing (not seating).
If control unit will not seat, pull it out and
repeat steps (20) through (22).
(16) Install the head locating screw gasket (14) and
the head locating screw (13) into the locating screw hole in
(22) Insert control unit assembly (4) into housing
the pump housing (6). Slight repositioning of the hydraulic
(6), pressing gently until control unit seats.
head may be necessary to properly install the head
locating screw. Do not use force. Tighten screw (13) to
(23) Install control unit assembly retaining plate,
90-100 lb.-in. Install head retaining clamps (16) and screws
(15). Alternately tighten screws (15) at opposite comers of
screws. Tighten screws to 20-25 lb.-in., and bend locking
housing (6) to properly seat the head assembly (17) in the
tabs over screws.
housing. Tighten screws (15) to 13-15 lb.-ft. Insert the
timing screw (31) and its gasket (32) into the timing screw
hole in the pump housing. Tighten the timing screw to
20-25 lb.-in.
(17) Install the delivery valve spacer (12), delivery
valve assembly (11), delivery valve spring (10), and delivery
valve holder (9). Tighten delivery valve holder to
70-75 lb.-ft. Install delivery valve cap nut (7) and gasket
(8). Tighten nut to 55-60 lb.-ft.
(18) Insert pin (37, fig. 7-46) and flatwasher (38)
into lower hole of lever on control unit assembly (4), and
secure with lockwasher (39) and nut (40). Tighten nut to
20-25 lb.-in.
(19) Ensure that O-ring (33) is seated in control
unit. Apply oil to plunger sleeve pin (5) and insert the
plunger sleeve pin (5) into the control unit assembly (4).
(20) Place pump in horizontal position with
control unit bore (36) facing up.
(21) Center the plunger sleeve (34) in the control
unit bore (36). Position plunger sleeve pin (5) so that the
flats aline with the groove in the control sleeve (34), and
the electric pencil mark (dot) faces the top of the pump.
Never clamp injector in a vise which has hard-
ened jaws. Damage to Injector would result.
When removing and disassembling fuel in-
Do not use force. If flange is not seated on
jectors, separate and label components of
pump housing, rotate arm both ways with
each injector. Never Interchange compo-
finger pressure pushing control unit in.
nents of injectors.
DO not remove nozzle unless replacement
is required.
through a 360 arc to ensure that the con-
(1) Secure fuel injector in a soft-jawed holding
trol unit assembly is correctly installed.
fixture, and remove nozzle cap (1), valve (2), and nozzle
Failure to rotate 360 Indicates that the