The workhead must be located at the exact angle corres-
ponding to the angle of the valve seat. Loosen the
swivel stud with the pin wrench and move the work-
head to the desired angle as indicated on its curved
If the air chuck is used, insert the valve in the collet,
so the stem is gripped on the same position that travels
in the guide. Push the knob on the rotating joint to
operate the air chuck.
With the standard chuck - insert valve as described
above - the collet opens and closes within its range by
means of the hand-wheel in the end of the spindle.
Hold knurled collar on front end of workhead to
tighten valve with the hand wheel.
Be sure that the proper size collet is used. For valve
stem diameters from 9/32" to 9/16" the No. 18325 collet
may be used. Stem diameters in the 9/16" to 3/4"
range are handled by the No. 22211 collet. For very
short stem valves with 7/32" to 29/64" diameter stems
use collet adapter No. 36552.
To prevent accidentally grinding the valve stem, set
work table stop to limit the travel of the work
table toward the grinding wheel. This setting is made
by rotating the knurled wheel under the left end of the
work table in line with the feed handle.
The reservoir uses 1 gallon of grinding oil. This coolant should be kept clean and checked
periodically for amount of oil in reservoir. Reservoir should be kept as full as possible.
The times of checking should be according to usage. When removing the reservoir on type TD,
always shut off refacer. Never run refacer without oil in reservoir as this will damage the seal.
The TD refacer should be primed on its initial start or if it has been stored for a period of time.
The following procedure should be followed for priming. (1) Fill reservoir to center of outlet
fitting. Place in machine flush with base. (2) Turn coolant valve to right side On position.
(3) Turn right side feed tube outlet up. (4) Pour in 1 oz. of oil. (5) Turn feed tube down.
(6) Start wheel motor.
Switch on the workhead and wheelhead motors and bring valve
to center of grinding wheel. Feed the wheel slowly into the
valve, taking a very light cut. Move work table back and forth
with short strokes using full face of wheel but always keeping
valve on wheel. To make inspection or when finished grinding,
back wheelhead away from valve, not valve off wheel. This
grinding method adheres to accepted shop practice with pre-
cision industrial grinders for large production, and applies
equally well to valve refacing for maintenance. Use rack to keep
valves in same order as removed from block and be sure to
return each valve to its own guide. Always lubricate valve
stem with light oil before returning to guide. Oil is available
for dressing the grinding wheel and grinding the valve face by
turning the coolant control indicator toward that wheel. The
speed of the coolant is regulated by the angular movement of
the control. Coolant is available for the attachment end by turning the control indicator in that