TM 9-2330-356-14
(3) Loosen clamp bolts and remove terminals.
(5) Loosen two nuts on each of four T-bolts
(4) If necessary to replace battery cables,
assemblies. Carefully remove batteries.
disconnect negative battery cable at the engine frame by
removing the capscrew and nut securing battey cable to
Cleaning. Tighten vent filler caps so no cleaning
the frame. To remove positive battery cable, remove the
solution will enter cells. Clean battery with baking soda
rear engine firewall, and remove cover. Disconnect
and water solution and a stiff brush. If terminal clamps and
positive cable from buss bar and remove cable.
battery posts are corroded, clean with a post and terminal
Water Addition. The water in the electrolyte
solution will evaporate at high temperatures or from an
Batteries contain sulfuric acid that causes
excessive charging rate. Check electrolyte level and add
severe burns. If acid contacts eyes, skin, or
clothing, flush well with water. For contact
distilled or clean water to just below the ring at bottom of
with eyes, get immediate medical attention.
cell opening. DO NOT use acid!